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A Postural Epidemic

Writer: Dr. Ryan Dawson, DCDr. Ryan Dawson, DC


Learn how to combat poor posture and set yourself for proper spinal and overall health. This FLOWSTATE event will be adding postural training to the functional movement portion of the workshop.

Everywhere you look 👀 poor posture! It’s like a bad dream. Flat upper backs and forward head posture has become the new normal presentation. It is also resulting in to many people suffering from neck & low back pain.

This course is going to address the functional biomechanical patterns that accompany poor or “collapsed” posture at the source. Functionally poor posture can and has, in many cases already, led to:

• Headaches

• Neck Spain

• Low Back Pain

• Lowered Oxygen Intake

• Brain Fog

• Depression

• Weakened Immunity

• Brain Degeneration

• Poor Digestion

• Stiffness

• Decrease Lung Volume

• Decreased Alveolar Elasticity

• Decreased Ability to Perform at Work

Common Presentation Includes:

• Forward Head Carriage

• Hyperkyphosis Thoracic Spine

• Hypolordosis Cervical Spine

• Scapular Winging

• Protracted Shoulder Girdle

• Weak Core

• Hyperlordotic Lumbar

• Anterior Pelvic Tilting

• Hypertonic Hamstrings: Psoas

• Inhibited Glutes

• Pronates Ankles

• Weak Arches

• Inhibited Flexor Hallicus

Do you often feel fatigued? Maybe even short of breath?

Posture and breathing are deeply connected. Makes sense. If you slump forward, you cramp the muscles needed for full respiration – diaphragm and intercostals (the muscles between your ribs) – so they do not have the freedom to do their work. It’s cyclical, too. The more you slump, the less oxygen exchange you have, which makes you feel more and more like slumping. However, it goes much deeper than that, and this is where it gets interesting.

Poor posture also contributes to breathing pattern dysfunction. With the diaphragm compressed, breathing relies upon chest and neck muscles, causing shallower breathes. This often puts the body into “fight or flight” mode and prohibits the body from utilizing the parasympathetic nervous system, sometimes called the rest and digest system. The latter system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.

In “fight or flight” the adrenal glands are called upon to produce adrenaline as well as cortisol and aldosterone, all stimulants. The body taps into this system when you are in danger, under chronic stress (emotional or physical) or maintain poor posture. When these chemicals are pumped into the body for prolonged durations, the results include impairment of cognitive performance, suppressed thyroid function (fatigue and cold sensitivity), depression, blood sugar imbalances, decreased bone density, increased blood pressure, low immunity, slowed healing, and increased abdominal fat.

There’s good news, though. Mobility and upright posture have been shown to affect cognitive performance. Adults with proper posture showed increased memory function (1). Proper postural training is available, and stretching and strengthening protocols have been shown to reduce forward head posture, which leads to a decline in proprioceptive and cognitive function (2).

Join us at FLOWSTATE MOVEMENT LA for the daily routine that will project your towards perfect posture, higher awareness and improved overall health & wellbeing.

Author: Ryan Dawson

Cohen, R. et al. (2016) Mobility and Upright Posture Are Associated with Different Aspects of Cognition in Older Adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 8(257).

Yong, M. S., Lee, H. Y., & Lee, M. Y. (2016). Correlation between head posture and proprioceptive function in the cervical region. Journal of physical therapy science, 28(3), 857.



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©2018 by Dr. Ryan Dawson

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