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Human Evolution Revolution

Writer: Dr. Ryan Dawson, DCDr. Ryan Dawson, DC

Updated: Jun 2, 2019

Where does hiropractic fit into human evolution?

“We help the body move and improve function in the biomechanical way it’s meant to so that the brain and body can have more bandwidth communicating between them.”

-Dr. Ryan Dawson

Perfecting and mastering our chiropractic assessment and specific adjusting skills are what set us apart. A perfect adjustment can be and is one of the most profound healing experiences on the planet. I challenge all chiros to become a master of the trade, practice and train everyday, and educate people on how being in alignment and having an optimal communicating neurospinal and musculoskeletal system can impact every persons life on this planet.

Some people “don’t believe in chiropractic” but I think that’s just their way of saying they aren’t ready to let go of the tension their body is holding yet. Another form of the ego maintaining the illusion of control and holding the stressful energy as we all sometimes tend to do. The fear of letting go outways the pain and tightness they currently feel. So they endure.

It’s like getting Lasic eye surgery, we can know how clear our vision could be until we do it and can finally see again. We don’t know what it’s like to jump off the high dive until we do it. We don’t know what it’s like to have a psychedelic experience until we do it, no matter how much we meditate or are mindful. You can’t know something you have never done. Period.

I wouldn’t NOT go to the dentist because I was afraid of having a root canal performed if that’s what I needed. I wouldn’t stop going to a dentist if I had one bad experience with one. The fact is our spines need love more than ever.

For the majority of human evolution, as Neanderthals became Homo Sapiens, we were moving nomadic creatures. Always hunting, gathering or exploring the environment around us. It’s no coincidence that our spine and Brian receives 90-95% of their nutrients and wellbeing via motion. Movement is life! New nutrients in, old toxins out.

Over the last 50-100 years we have seen a dramatic rise in diseases that are in direct association with sedentary lifestyles, poor nutrition and disfunction in biomechanics. The spine has 3 curves to absorb the shock and weight of gravity. When we sit and have anterior forward head posture for 6-9 hours a day, something we never have done in our human evolution, then these biomechanical structures begin to breakdown.

Our medical model is a reactive model. Waiting and procrastinating until the last possible moment before we do something or pay money for our health out of pocket. Waiting until the only options left are drugs or surgery.

A shift is happening. A grand planetary conscious awakening, people getting in tune with their bodies, seeing how sedentary unhealthy lifestyles have led family members to heart disease, cancer, severe arthritis, obesity and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Exercise and nutrition are the two biggest players right now in brain research for diseases like dementia. Preventative action is the future. Why wait until you have a problem to get checked or fix it? This is the basis of understanding the power of epigenetics as well.

The pharmaceutical industry has led the generations before us a stray. People know they have to take their health into their own hands and we are in a revolution. When the tide turns in the next 20-40 years, chiropractors will be standing there waiting as we are the leaders and have been for a hundred years in the health, wellness and preventive model. A proactive versus a reactive lifestyle goes way deeper into our psyche than just our physical manifestations of health.

Our health and our planets health is a direct reflection of how well we care about ourselves. It’s time to unleash the next phase of human evolution. Combining our science, technology and understanding of health to take us to a level we have never seen before.

We have access to all the drugs big pharmaceutical can push, but we are still sick and depressed. All these diseases and models of medicine that have failed are just growing pains as any science experiment must undergo to find the truth. We had to go through the wars, human rights movement, and all the ugliness of our growth to discover who we are. We find ourselves on this journey through a process of elimination. Removing the toxic behavior, people and habits from our life and growing into the upgraded better version of ourselves.

The adjustment is one of the best upgrades our bodies can receive. Synchronization and improving communication within our body by removing stagnant energy, waste, adhesions, blood, flow or whatever you want to call it is so powerful. Just as our devices need upgrades to make sure the software and hardware are in communication to function optimally, so do we.

The perfect adjustment can be the upgrade that synchronizes your hardware (body) with your software (nervous system, mind, emotions and hormones). Then supplying the repair phase with proper nutrition and therapeutic exercises we just eliminated 80-90% of chronic lifestyle based diseases and many of the brain degenerative diseases that come with stress like depression and anxiety. Not that you won’t ever get sick or sad and will become invincible, but we can start taking our health back into our hands and stepping into the upgraded version of our human evolution, a journey we started on millions of years ago.

Be nomadic, move your body, get some sunshine, eat organic free range plants and animals, and facilitate conversations that will grow our minds and carry a better version of ourselves into the future.

By Dr. Ryan Dawson, DC



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©2018 by Dr. Ryan Dawson

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