It’s no one else’s job to make me happy. No one will ever be able to love me more than myself. I mean really, how can I expect you to love me if I don’t even like me?
I’ve learned that it’s more important to me to live the life I want than the importance of what people think of me or who they think I should have become. That way I can be happy and in turn be the person I want to for friends, family and my business. I am the one that has to live with my decisions. I choose to grind but not so much that I let a single day pass me by without recognizing how special it is.
There is something to learn from every experience. In the amount of time I have

complained about how hard life is and how I can never catch a break, I could have been reading, watching a tutorial, listening to a podcast, meditating, exercising, or implementing some sort of positive habit that promotes growth. We all go through tough times.
Be careful who you hang out with, support those in hard times, but once that conversation becomes cyclical it’s time to remember who you are and where you want to go. Most people won’t let themselves grow because the responsibility that comes with it is harder than feeling sorry for yourself and thinking the world is out to get us. They may say you abandoned them or that you changed, in attempt to bring you back down to their problematic perspective, further victimizing themselves.
It’s hard but not everyone is meant to walk this path with us forever, as much as remind us who we are along the way. See these curveballs coming in slow, sit back and knock them out of the park!
We become the 5 people we hang around most so pick carefully who those people are. Do they reflect the life of your dreams or at least have the reflection of common ambitions towards a dream? Or just a place for you to feel safe at your current level of growth?
A mentor taught me that of the 5: 2 should be people you learn from that already have what you want, 1 should be on your level that you can relate to, and 2 should be people you teach and train to bring up to your current level since teaching is the best way to gain understanding.
Smile. Appreciate. Spread Love. Stay Active. Work Hard. Play Hard. Keep Moving Forward 🙏🏻